I am privileged to serve as your Chapter President for the 2023 year and am excited about the future of our Chapter.  We had a great 2022 including offering 9 virtual CLEs at no cost to our members and 3 in-person events to promote Chapter networking opportunities!  Our goal is to continue our momentum through 2023.  To do that, we need volunteers to serve as committee chairs to assist us with finding new speakers, managing our social media accounts, posting job bank listings, coordinating volunteer opportunities, overseeing our yearly audit and planning social events.  I welcome your suggestions and encourage change to help make 2023 a standout year for our Broward Chapter!

If you have any questions about our monthly meetings, becoming an active member or joining one of our committees, please contact me at Carol Goraczko.

Carol Goraczko, FRP
President - Broward Chapter


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